The birth & death of search engine optimization - Xe Iaso

Published on 11/28/2023, 3915 words, 15 minutes to read Searching the Internet for information sucks. We live in an age of information surplus. At any point in the internet there are an unimaginable number of things to read, watch, listen to, and play through. The average person’s backlog of entertainment stretches for several lifetimes. It is impossible to consume all of the information on the Internet. It was impossible even...

如何在美国买新车 · Bowei Xu

本文写给留美刚毕业或者刚念书的想买新车的朋友们,主要介绍买车的流程以及如何砍价,希望自己从网上和实战中总结出的一点点经验能帮助大家省点心。 1...

凭什么不在舒适区里做一条咸鱼? – 虹线

一 我在之前的公司曾短暂合作过一位白富美,她给我的印象很深。因为在一个大家都穿波司登上班的创业公司里,她坚持每天穿一件 COACH 的大衣,手里随时捏着一...

互联网是人类历史的一段弯路吗? – 虹线

本文未经许可禁止转载,如有需求请与我微信联系:ifookit 1. 至暗时刻 1.1 互联网是一种集权的技术吗? 2019 年 4 月,纽约时报发布的一篇名为《减少互联...

Writing with AI

When ChatGPT came out one year ago, we wanted to know whether and how it could be used for writing. We put it to the test and came up with a careful answer. This article is part two of a series with one, two, three articles, leading to the launch of iA Writer 7, on November 30th. In this article, we answer the following five questions: How good is AI for writing?...

Why note-taking apps don’t make us smarter

This is Platformer*, a newsletter on the intersection of Silicon Valley and democracy from Casey Newton and Zoë Schiffer.* Sign up here. Today let’s step outside the news cycle and turn our attention toward a topic I’m deeply invested in but only rarely write about: productivity platforms. For decades now, software tools have promised to make working life easier. But on one critical dimension — their ability to improve our thinking — they don’t seem to be making much progress at all....

A student asked how I keep us innovative. I don't.

Last week, I did a Q&A session for a friend’s security class. One of the students asked a question that I loved. They asked something like, “As a principal engineer, how do you make sure your company stays at the forefront of innovation?” There are two reasons I love this question. The first is that it’s a good and natural one, which I had early on too. The second is that it’s unintentionally leading....

译 | 学习的态度看过去,比较的视角看现在,发展得眼光看未来 - Another Dayu

原文:Max Roser (2022) – “The world is awful. The world is much better. The world can be much better.”. Published online at OurWorldInData. Org. Retrieved from: ‘ ‘ [Online Resource] The world is awful. The world is much better. The world can be much better. Max Roser 这三者并不矛...

使用 Telegram Bot + Beancount 记账 - Yuexun's Blog

由于最近听的捕蛇者说的 这期播客节目,去了解了一下经常听到但是从来没去了解过的 Beancount,看了几篇网上的 博文 初步使用了几天。Beanc...


早上起来,我长久地凝望着 SpaceX 发布的一套星舰发射高清大图,壮观、妖异、绚烂,有如妖王降世。我认为你也应该看看,看看 33 枚猛禽发动机完全点燃之后是一...