Ask Questions, Repeat The Hard Parts, and Listen

One of my least favorite moments as a leader, specifically your leader, is when you ask me to make the decision. 作为领导者,尤其是你的领导者,我最不喜欢的时刻之一就是你让我做决定的时候。 First, yes, I know it’s my job to make...

小公司大多死在优先级不清晰 | 职场 | 白宦成

引言 最近在和朋友在做一些项目的时候,很深刻的感受到了创业公司的一些问题。而其中让我印象最为深刻的是 —— 优先级分不清。 这也引发了我的思考,大公...

一些有价值的职场建议 [译]

职业生涯就像是一个漫长的旅程,最难的地方在于你的目的地是未知的,甚至没有地图来指引你如何前行。 有时候如果能停下来,问一下路边的老人前面的路该...

Effective > Productive

[ Jason Fried ]( July 20, 2023 So much talk about hacking productivity these days. There’s an endless stream of methodologies and tools promising to make you more productive. But more productive at what? Productivity is for machines, not for people. There’s nothing meaningful about packing some number of work units into some amount of time or squeezing more into less. Machines can work 24/7; humans can’t. When people focus on productivity, they end up focusing on being busy....

Company culture is the last 50 days

There’s nothing complicated about company culture. Culture simply happens. It’s emergent behavior. There’s nothing to do, it just is. A company’s culture is a 50-day moving average. It’s what you’ve been collectively doing as a company over the last 50 days. How do you treat people? Who have you hired (or fired) and why? What do you when people are stressed out? How do you help people? How do you critique each other?...

You only compete with one thing

There’s so much chatter and advice out there about how to handle “the competition”. How much should you worry about them, what you can do to beat them, how much should you pay attention to what they’re doing, how you should respond when they release or say something new, what you should say when a customer compares you to them, etc. Essentially, lots of they’s and them’s. Of course you exist in a market with multiple options, but that’s not your real competition....

飛輪策略的落地 | Mr.PM 下午先生

以下內容,摘自數位時代訪談我的內容,歡迎大家聆聽:數位關鍵字112 | 如何透過數據打造產品,滾動起成長飛輪 飛輪策略是什麼 飛輪這個詞彙變成主流的...

【打工人系列】做好信息同步 | 随机变量

准备新增一个系列,记录自己作为打工人,在职场中摸爬滚打的经验教训,权当作为自己的总结,如果能提供任何小小的帮助,就算产生额外的价值了。 在最近...

You don't need to work on hard problems

College, 2012—Internship recruiting season. “What are you looking for in your internship?” the recruiter asks. “I’d like to solve hard technical problems,” I reply. I end up at Jane Street writing software to calculate numeric integrals of a function that is costly to evaluate. (They don’t tell me what the function is—it’s too secret for interns.) After two weeks, I come up with some of my own tweaks that make the algorithm work a bit better....

A student asked how I keep us innovative. I don't.

Last week, I did a Q&A session for a friend’s security class. One of the students asked a question that I loved. They asked something like, “As a principal engineer, how do you make sure your company stays at the forefront of innovation?” There are two reasons I love this question. The first is that it’s a good and natural one, which I had early on too. The second is that it’s unintentionally leading....