
很难想象我完全在 ChatGPT 的协助下这么快速有效的建立自己的西语单词复习网站。从昨天晚上开始有这个想法,到今早最终部署上线,估计总共花了半天左右时间。...

How a startup loses its spark --- 初创公司如何失去活力

At a well-run seed stage startup, engineers will often describe the work experience as intoxicating. At a larger company, the best you get is “enjoyable”. Why does this happen? Is it inevitable? 在一家运行良好的种子期初创公司中,工程师们常常会形容工作经历令人陶醉。在大公...

关于 AI 产品的一些瞎琢磨 | The Quibbler

得益与 ChatGPT 的伟大,没有正经编程经验的人都可以做一些完全足够自己使用的 Demo 出来,用来满足自己的定制化需求,未能免俗的我也做了一堆这样的东西,随着时...

Writing with AI

When ChatGPT came out one year ago, we wanted to know whether and how it could be used for writing. We put it to the test and came up with a careful answer. This article is part two of a series with one, two, three articles, leading to the launch of iA Writer 7, on November 30th. In this article, we answer the following five questions: How good is AI for writing?...