【打工人系列】做好信息同步 | 随机变量

准备新增一个系列,记录自己作为打工人,在职场中摸爬滚打的经验教训,权当作为自己的总结,如果能提供任何小小的帮助,就算产生额外的价值了。 在最近...

30 Bits of Advice for 30 Years

I’m turning 30 this year. Inspired by Kevin Kelly’s incredible 68 Bits of Unsolicited Advice1, I collected bits of advice I’ve picked up over the years—mostly by people wiser than me. Here they are, in no particular order: Communication is your most important skill, get good at it. Be kind first, be right later.2 Don’t make your problems other people’s problems. Read more books. Help others succeed, and they’ll help you succeed in the long term....

3-2-1:The need for personal responsibility, what makes a brilliant mind, and the value of daily surprises

3 IDEAS FROM ME I. “You are not the cause of everything that happens to you, but you are responsible for how you respond to everything that happens to you.” 1 2 3 4 ​II. “It is not too late to do what you want to do—if you stop waiting for the time to be right.” III. “Life is harder when you expect a lot of the world and little of yourself....

Creatives vs bureaucrats

[ ](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F31cdc5ca-65ab-43f1-8a95-719fa9b6bc69_632x810.jpeg) “What is now proved was once only imagined.” – William Blake What concerns you more – that your team properly follows templates, formats and processes or they are passionate, express their creativity and are results-driven? This is the difference between being a bureaucrat or a creative. In knowledge economy fields – following templates and processes is second tier to nurturing talent and passion. Not sometimes, always. Beaurocrats run Hollywood now....

AdGuard Home + Tailscale = Erase Ads on the Go

Introduction Let’s face it; online ads can be a major buzzkill. They clutter your favorite websites, slow down your page loads, and worst of all, they’re just plain annoying. But what if I told you that you could erase ads on the go? That’s right, no more pesky ads on your phone, tablet, or laptop. All you need is a Raspberry Pi (or any device in your homelab), AdGuard Home, and Tailscale....

You don't need to work on hard problems

College, 2012—Internship recruiting season. “What are you looking for in your internship?” the recruiter asks. “I’d like to solve hard technical problems,” I reply. I end up at Jane Street writing software to calculate numeric integrals of a function that is costly to evaluate. (They don’t tell me what the function is—it’s too secret for interns.) After two weeks, I come up with some of my own tweaks that make the algorithm work a bit better....

PLG 公司组织架构解密:Notion、Calendly、Webflow、Superhuman、Retool

Retool Retool 是我比较关注的一家 no code 公司,增长非常快。在融资 B 轮后,Retool 有 60 人左右,可以看到研发和销售占据了大部分。 Superhuman 我们在之前的文章介绍过 Superhuman...

关于 AI 产品的一些瞎琢磨 | The Quibbler

得益与 ChatGPT 的伟大,没有正经编程经验的人都可以做一些完全足够自己使用的 Demo 出来,用来满足自己的定制化需求,未能免俗的我也做了一堆这样的东西,随着时...


看到 $ 这个符号,很多人第一反应就是 dollar。 为什么 $ 看起来像是字母 S 加了竖线呢?dollar 拼写里分明没有 S … 今天多儿就来分享些关于钱钱...


打开小红书,遍布狂热“洞门”信徒。火遍大江南北的 Crocs 洞洞鞋一直争议不断,喜欢的就是“洞门永存”,讨厌的就是丑出天际。2022 年,Crocs 实现...