Company culture is the last 50 days

There’s nothing complicated about company culture. Culture simply happens. It’s emergent behavior. There’s nothing to do, it just is. A company’s culture is a 50-day moving average. It’s what you’ve been collectively doing as a company over the last 50 days. How do you treat people? Who have you hired (or fired) and why? What do you when people are stressed out? How do you help people? How do you critique each other?...

You only compete with one thing

There’s so much chatter and advice out there about how to handle “the competition”. How much should you worry about them, what you can do to beat them, how much should you pay attention to what they’re doing, how you should respond when they release or say something new, what you should say when a customer compares you to them, etc. Essentially, lots of they’s and them’s. Of course you exist in a market with multiple options, but that’s not your real competition....

飛輪策略的落地 | Mr.PM 下午先生

以下內容,摘自數位時代訪談我的內容,歡迎大家聆聽:數位關鍵字112 | 如何透過數據打造產品,滾動起成長飛輪 飛輪策略是什麼 飛輪這個詞彙變成主流的...

Batch-rename files easily with `rename`

I use the rename action in macOS Finder when I need simple operations. For example, changing a file extension from .PNG to .png or replacing underscores with hyphens. For more complex stuff, like lowercasing, or removing a range of characters, Finder becomes too tedious. That’s where the rename command comes in. It lets you use regular expressions and looks like this: rename -f '[regex]' [files]. Right off the bat, you want to remember the -n or --dry-run option....

备用机神器!苹果安卓双向同步短信大法 - 少数派

Matrix 首页推荐 Matrix 是少数派的写作社区,我们主张分享真实的产品体验,有实用价值的经验与思考。我们会不定期挑选 Matrix 最优质的文章,展示来自用户的最真实的体...

LMNT Arguments

April 20, 2023 • Louie Mantia @ LMNT Ever since I was young, I had a reputation for wanting to argue. When any divisive issue came up, friends and family members braced for impact. And all this time, I have felt vastly misunderstood about the intent behind my habit for argumentative behavior. There are more ways than one to argue, and different people come into arguments with different objectives. It doesn’t matter to me if someone disagrees with the other....

内网穿透新技能 - Cloudflare Zero Trust

NAS Cloudflare Zero Trust 为我们的远程访问 NAS 提供了一个新的方法,并且可以设置二次验证来保护我们暴露在公网上的服务。如果有域名的话,其设置并不复杂,推荐大家试试...

PGP 自我扫盲

前言 久闻 PGP 大名,印象中是使用非对称加密算法,且经常能在邮件列表的签名档中看到一长串的 PGP Public Key,却一直不知其原理及用法。最近把这块知识盲区扫...

2024年App从备案到上架(国内各大应用市场)全过程 | Lenix Blog

前言 大家可能心里明白新政下来之后上架会很难,但是到底有多难?心里有底吗?反正我知道。 我们之前一直是做海外市场的,今年下半年才开始做国内的应用...

查理·芒格的99条人生建议:我一生中反复使用的几个思维方法 | 参考答案Answers

本内容节选自「参考答案」知识库。 「参考答案」致力于为职场人严选通识性深度阅读内容,希望在算法推荐之外,给大家提供另一种内容消费选择。 如果你觉...