ObsidianMD - Syncing over git github:how to set up. gitignore file

Hey, so I use git to sync my vaults over github and I often find problems with the file .obsidian/workspace which most often causes merge conflicts. should I just add it to gitignore? Also, any other file recomended to ignore on git? source: r/ObsidianMD - Syncing over git|github: how to set up. gitignore file

Popclip 插件,收藏网页内容到Obsidian

对于网页内容裁剪收藏,我主要有两个用法 收藏文章里的精彩内容部分,添加自己的阅读感受。 这种主要使用 这个书签功能。 作为收藏夹使用,收录网站或者具...

自定义 Safari 浏览器书签完成网页剪藏到 Obsidian

因为 MarkDownload - Markdown Web Clipper 插件在 Safari 上无法正常吊起 Obsidian,只好用不太便捷的收藏夹功能来实现网页保存。参考 Github上的讨论和源代码,在 Bookmark Maker 上进...