
早上起来,我长久地凝望着 SpaceX 发布的一套星舰发射高清大图,壮观、妖异、绚烂,有如妖王降世。我认为你也应该看看,看看 33 枚猛禽发动机完全点燃之后是一...

Why do companies hire people to be idle a lot of the time?

Monday, November 27, 2023 The biggest tech companies employ a lot of engineers. In 2021, Microsoft employed over 100,000 software engineers. That is just mind boggling scale to me. It’s roughly as many people as the whole county I grew up in. They are paying a lot of engineers. Some of them do very little, with employees saying they “were paid to do little-to-no work”1. So… why are they paying them if there isn’t a lot of work for them to do?...

